Monday Blues
(Verse 1)
The weekend’s gone, it’s Monday morn
The sun is shining, but I’m feeling torn
Between the dread of work and the desire to play
I wish this weekend would never go away
Oh, Monday blues, why do you haunt me so?
You make me feel so low, low, low
I’d rather stay in bed and watch Netflix all day
Than face the world and all its fray
(Verse 2)
I drag myself out of bed, feeling like a zombie
I stumble to the bathroom, feeling hazy and groggy
I splash some water on my face, trying to wake myself up
But it’s no use, I’m still feeling stuck
Oh, Monday blues, why do you haunt me so?
You make me feel so low, low, low
I’d rather stay in bed and watch Netflix all day
Than face the world and all its fray
I know I can’t avoid you, Monday blues
But I can try to make you less of a nuisance
I’ll listen to my favorite music, I’ll eat a healthy breakfast
I’ll do my best to have a positive mindset
Oh, Monday blues, I won’t let you get me down
I’m gonna turn this frown upside down
I’ll find a way to make this day go by
And I’ll be ready to face the world again on Tuesday